Known for their wacky challenges and tongue in cheek humor,
CBS’s Big Brother usually comes up with a slew of new games every year.
It’s always fun to hear what crazy hijinks they’re going to put
their contestants through and even more fun to draw them.

These samples come from 2 different shows, the first is a camping
adventure show where teams brave the great outdoors while playing a
dangerous social game. The second was a pitch for a ‘Nintendo’ themed
show where players would re-enact the play styles of popular video games.

These pictures come from three different projects of varying themes and styles.
The first had pairs competing in a giant obstacle course with larger than life elements.
The second was a travel adventure competition, deep in the jungles of Guatemala.
The third was a social experiment designed to test human ingenuity and resolve.

I’ve worked on US Survivor for the majority of my professional career,
and I’ve done well over a hundred concept drawings for them.
They’re usually simple black and white illustrations, that depend more on the concept
rather than flashy colors and shading to sell or explain the challenge